About Us
Principal Investigator
Research Areas:
Seismic Hazards
Ground Motions
Development of Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs)
Characterization of Near-Fault ground motions
Site Response
Linear and non-linear effects
Vertical ground motions
Variability in site effects
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Liquefaction-induced deformations
Evolution of shear bands
Ph.D. Student
Current research topic:
The effects of linear and non-linear site response on ground motions.
Ph.D. Student
Current research topic:
Characterization of the relative contribution of P and S waves to the vertical component of ground motions using numerical and analytical tools.
M.Sc. Student (Alumni)
Research topic:
Characterization of regional groundwater surfaces in California and the parameters influencing site response of vertical ground motions
M.Sc. Student (Alumni)
Research topic:
Estimating of shallow surface seismic velocities at the Israel's seismic network

Yuval Peleg
M.Sc. Student (Alumni)
Research topic:
Site-characterization of the seismic network stations in Israel, using the ReMi method (journal paper).

Dekel Levi
M.Sc. Student (Alumni)
Research topic:
Clay creep potential at constant stress differences.

Gilboa Peer
M.Sc. Student (Alumni)
Research topic:
Site response of the vertical component of ground motions and its association with groundwater (poster).

Bibi Kerpel
M.Sc. Student (Alumni)
Research topic:
Alternative proxies for the Linear
Site-Response Estimation in Israel (p​oster).
Matan Avital

M.Sc. Student (Alumni)
Research topic:
Ranking the uncertainty associated with evaluation of seismic hazards for nuclear power plants in Israel
(poster, journal paper).
Post Doc. scholar
Current research topic:
An updated source model for seismic hazard calculations