Research Publications
1. Hussain, R., Kumar, H., Sreedeep, S., Bordoloi, S., Jaykumar, S., Salim, S., ... & Gogoi,N. (2024). Effect of Biochar Type and Amendment Rates on Soil PhysicochemicalProperties: Potential Application in Bioengineered Structures. Advances in CivilEngineering Materials, 13(1), 1-20.
2. Hussain, R., Muigai, H.H., Kalita, P., & Ravi, K. “Conversion of waste sugarcane bagasseinto biochar and investigating its potential as soil amendment for bioengineeredstructures”. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment (under review).
3. Hussain, R., Kamai, R. “A novel methodology for measuring cyclic compressionalbehaviour of soil under constrained lateral deformation”. Acta Geotechnica (under review).
1. Hussain, R., & Ravi, K. (2022). Investigating biochar-amended soil as a potential lightweight material for embankments. Ecological Engineering, 180, 106645.
2. Hussain, R., & Ravi, K. (2022). Investigating soil properties and vegetation parameters indifferent biochar-amended vegetated soil at large suction for application in bioengineered structures. Scientific Report 12, 21261.
1. Hussain, R., Ghosh, K. K., & Ravi, K. (2021). Influence of biochar particle size on thehydraulic conductivity of two different compacted engineered soils. Biomass Conversionand Biorefinery, 1-11.
2. Hussain, R., Ghosh, K. K., Garg, A., & Ravi, K. (2021). Effect of biochar produced frommesquite on the compaction characteristics and shear strength of a clayeysand. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 39(2), 1117-1131.
3. Hussain, R., Ghosh, K. K., & Ravi, K. (2021). Impact of biochar produced from hardwoodof mesquite on the hydraulic and physical properties of compacted soils for potential application in engineered structures. Geoderma, 385, 114836.
4. Muigai, H. H., Bordoloi, U., Hussain, R., Ravi, K., Moholkar, V. S., & Kalita, P. (2021).A comparative study on synthesis and characterization of biochars derived from lignocellulosic biomass for their candidacy in agronomy and energy applications. International Journal of Energy Research, 45(3), 4765-4781.
5. Hussain, R., & Ravi, K. (2021). Investigating unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and water retention characteristics of compacted biochar-amended soils for potential application in bioengineered structures. Journal of Hydrology, 127040.
1. Hussain, R., Ravi, K., & Garg, A. (2020). Influence of biochar on the soil water retention characteristics (SWRC): potential application in geotechnical engineering structures. Soil and Tillage Research, 204, 104713.
2. Hussain, R., Garg, A., & Ravi, K. (2020). Soil-biochar-plant interaction: differences from the perspective of engineered and agricultural soils. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 79, 4461-4481.
3. Hussain, R., Bordoloi, S., Garg, A., Ravi, K., Sreedeep, S., & Sahoo, L. (2020). Effect of biochar type on infiltration, water retention and desiccation crack potential of a silty sand. Biochar, 2(4), 465-478.
4. Bordoloi, S., Kumar, H., Hussain, R., Karangat, R., Lin, P., Sreedeep, S., & Zhu, H. H.(2020). Assessment of hydro-mechanical properties of biochar-amended soil sourced fromtwo contrasting feedstock. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-16.
1. Gadi, V. K., Hussain, R., Bordoloi, S., Hossain, S., Singh, S. R., Garg, A., ... & Lingaraj,S. (2019). Relating stomatal conductance and surface area with evapotranspiration inducedsuction in a heterogeneous grass cover. Journal of hydrology, 568, 867-876.
2. Bordoloi, S., Leung, A. K., Gadi, V. K., Hussain, R., Garg, A., & Sekharan, S. (2019).Water Retention and Desiccation Potential of Lignocellulose-Based Fiber-ReinforcedSoil. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 145(11), 06019013.
1. Bordoloi, S., Hussain, R., Gadi, V. K., Bora, H., Sahoo, L., Karangat, R., ... & Sreedeep,S. (2018). Monitoring soil cracking and plant parameters for a mixed grassspecies. Géotechnique Letters, 8(1), 49-55.
2. Bordoloi, S., Gadi, V. K., Hussain, R., Sahoo, L., Garg, A., Sreedeep, S., ... & Poulsen, T.G. (2018). Influence of Eichhornia crassipes fibre on water retention and cracking ofvegetated soils. Géotechnique Letters, 8(2), 130-137.
1. Bordoloi, S., Hussain, R., Garg, A., Sreedeep, S., & Zhou, W. H. (2017). Infiltration characteristics of natural fiber reinforced soil. Transportation Geotechnics, 12, 37-44.
2. Bordoloi, S., Hussain, R., Sen, S., Garg, A., & Sreedeep, S. (2017). Chemically alterednatural fiber impregnated soil for improving subgrade strength of pavements. Advances inCivil Engineering Materials (ASTM), 7(2), 48-63.
1. Hussain, R., Baram, A., Kamai, R. (2024). A Novel experimental methodology forstudying cyclic compressional soil response. 8th international conference on earthquakegeotechnical engineering (8ICEGE 2024), Osaka, Japan.
2. Hussain, R., Kamai, R. (2024). Effect of initial confinement stress on the cycliccompressibility of coarse grain soil. 8th international conference on recent advances ingeotechnical earthquake engineering and soil dynamics (8ICRAGEE 2024), Guwahati,India.
1. Ghosh, K. K., Patwa, D., Hussain, R., Ravi, K., (2019). Effect of biochar on consistencybehaviour of soil. Indian Conference on Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Engineering(ICGGE 2019) MNNIT, Allahabad, India.
2. Hussain, R., Bordoloi, S., Gadi, V. K., Garg, A., Ravi, K., & Sreedeep, S. (2019). Effectof filament type and biochemical composition of lignocellulose fiber in vegetation growthin early plant establishment period. Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC 2018), IndianInstitute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru.
1. Bordoloi, S., Patwa, D., Hussain, R., Garg, A., & Sreedeep, S. (2018). Nano-ParticleCoated Natural Fiber Impregnated Soil as a Sustainable Reinforcement Material.In Urbanization Challenges in Emerging Economies: Resilience and Sustainability ofInfrastructure (pp. 435-444). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.
1. Hussain, R., Kundu, S., Agarwal, V., (2016). Infiltration rate of fiber reinforced soil usingmini disk infiltrometer. Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development – Opportunitiesand Challenges (CESDOC 2016), Assam engineering college, Guwahati, Assam, India.
2. Boruah, M., Hussain, R., Garg, A., (2016). Comparison of methods for estimatingmicrobial biomass in soil. Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development – Opportunitiesand Challenges (CESDOC 2016), Assam engineering college, Guwahati, Assam, India.